We all hear about the importance of setting goals, but do you do it?
Why or why not?
Is it lack of discipline? Is it that it’s not that important to you? Or is it that you may not reach your goals anyway, so why even bother?
If you set goals that are tangible and attainable and not a pie-in-the-sky wish, then you do have the ability to reach them, create a track record of success, and develop your goal setting muscle.
If you don’t have the discipline or the habit of setting goals, is it worth the reward to develop the discipline?
I say that it is. I have seen it time and time again.
For you to become a POWERFUL goal-setting Goddess and live a life of intent, there are 5 steps to take:
Watch the video 🙂 to stop living a life of chance and start living a life of choice.
Write your goals down. Writing puts your ideas in front of you, and makes them feel more solid. Plus, you can always come back to what you’ve written when life gets distracting and you forget what you are working toward. If it’s in your head, it’s only an idea. If it’s on paper, it becomes real.
Choose your language wisely. Starting your goals with “I wish…” or “I want…” puts you in the position of asking permission to have what you desire. This makes your goals feel far away and not in your control. However, starting with “I intend..”, “I choose…”, “I have” or “I am…” puts your goals where they belong…in your hands.
Be specific. When your goals are specific, there is more energy behind them because you know where you are going and how you are going to get there.
Give yourself a deadline. It has been said that goals are wishes with a deadline. At the end of every goal you set, include a date by which you will achieve it. You are far more likely to accomplish your goals when you know they have got to be done by Saturday, or by the middle of next year.
Looking forward to hearing about your intentions for yourself this week, you can share them with me by leaving a comment below!
To your success!
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