Can you imagine what the Earth would look like if humans had never ventured out of our early settlements? We certainly wouldn’t have grown very much as a civilization. We wouldn’t have explored every continent, the deep oceans, the tall mountains. We would have stayed right there in our little village, too scared of what lay beyond to imagine that the possibilities are breathtaking.
Is this what you are doing with your own life?
The years you have beyond tomorrow are unexplored wilderness. Maybe it’s a little overgrown with vines. Maybe there are bears. Maybe you have a wide desert to cross. All you have to do is take the first step on your adventure.
Think about your dreams and ambitions. Do they keep you in the village that you know? Or do you feel the call of the untamed expanse on the horizon?
If you think you’d like to venture into something unfamiliar, what’s holding you back? Are you afraid of the bears, the vines, or the dry desert heat? Or are you afraid of what others think about your dreams and ambitions?
Are you afraid that they will judge you for leaving the safety of the village for who-knows-what beyond?
Stop focusing on the obstacles and what others may think of your desires. Stop settling for the status quo. Dare to be unique, and set the trend.
Maybe your loved ones are waiting for you to break free so they can follow suit. Someone has to be the first to be brave.
What motivated pioneers from the earliest settlements to those today moving beyond their boundaries? The promise of something better. Whether it’s more land, tastier berries, or time-freedom, generation upon generation of humans has left the familiar to explore other options.
So why not you? Why not now?
There is no better time than the present to make the shift. Seek out new lands, stretch yourself, let others soak up all the wonderfulness that you have to offer.
And when you’re scared, just remember that someone once dreamed of seeing what was beyond that mountain, below those waves, and above the clouds. Maybe they were afraid that their dreams would be judged, too, but they didn’t let it stop them from pushing. They passed the boundaries.
They forged new trails. And the tastier berries they found are all the more sweet of a reward for their courage.
Are you looking for support so you can stop waiting to do what you want with your life? Join my Facebook group, and share what you want to make of your life. Let’s make it happen!
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