Picture your future self. Think about what she does each day. Picture all the things you hope to achieve in the future. That future self is doing them. She lives her purpose every day. This is exactly who you want to be!
Of course, now you wonder how her actions help her purpose. And how did she get there?
Now, if you could step into the future, to be the person you long to be, can you feel yourself doing all those things? Can you feel yourself living your purpose? Breathing it with each action you take? Can you feel it light up your eyes and pour from you as positive energy, drawing more of what you want in life closer to you?
It feels great to live in your purpose!
But now comes the big question: How? How did you achieve your dreams? What was the path?
Now, as your future self, mentor your current self to reach that goal. You can guide yourself to that goal persona by considering the path she took.
What questions would you ask your younger self that would help you be true to yourself? How could you stimulate your current self to become the best version of you in the future: your dream you with your dream life?
That future you is making the impact she wants to have, creating the change she wants to create. And she holds the light, the truth of how she got there.
Not only that: she can show you that what you want is possible.
So look back at your current self from the future. Guide her. Nurture her. Tell her what she needs to hear.
Start with reassurance.
You are enough. You have it in you. You can live in your purpose. Focus on what else is possible.
Give her some next steps. Tell her to work with a coach (book your free session with me here), join a certain group, seek out clients a specific way. Find the answers to her most difficult challenges. Help her meet her wins.
Support and encouragement. Goals and challenges. When you look to your future self for answers, you know that she can become real. You can watch yourself develop into her. You can map it out and follow it to the finish line.
And later, when you look back, you’ll know. You had it in you all along.
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