What if you could be anyone you wanted to be, have anything you wanted to have, experience everything you wanted to experience, and be successful at everything you would set yourself out to do?
You know you can, right? What’s stopping you?
If it’s a little voice telling you to play small and live in your comfort zone—that one that keeps repeating “It’s not possible”—then we need to have a chat with her.
Let’s figure out why she’s holding you back. Let’s look at some of your limiting beliefs. Let’s see why she keeps taking the wind out of your sails.
Let’s start by making a list of all the things you want for your life. Dream big! Let the little nay-sayer inside pretend that everything is possible for just five minutes.
Once you have your list, talk to her. Ask her why you can’t experience each item on the list, and write down the limiting beliefs beside each of them.
Follow this with a quest. Set out to find proof that what you think isn’t possible is. Look for stories of people accomplishing what the negative voice says that you can’t do.
When you have found evidence to contradict the nagging little voice, start looking to that for inspiration. Then ask yourself one very important question: “Why not me?”
And why not right now? There is no time like the present after all.
If you have the goals and the proof that they are possible, then the voice that keeps you from stretching your limits might not speak up as often. Belief in the evidence, and expand toward it. Plan your path toward these new goals and reach for them every day!
Quieting the negative voice is the best thing you can do to reach your goals. You don’t need to play small. You have big dreams, big goals, big ambitions. It’s all inside of you!
Listening to the evidence that anything is possible will help you adjust your compass so you can finally head down the path toward being the person you want to be having anything you want, experiencing everything you desire, and being successful in every pursuit.
You have one shot at your one wild and precious life. The time to live bigger than ever before is right now! You can watch a video that I’ve made around this topic here.
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