More and more, the Law of Attraction is becoming a popular tool to help us get what we want in life.
If you don’t know what the Law of Attraction is, it’s basically that you attract what you focus the most on. So if you spend every day frustrated because nothing ever goes your way—you guessed it—you will attract more things going wrong. Cue the blown tire, the paper cut, and the rain storm as you rush to the car with your cart full of groceries.
However, if you focus on positive things, even when things do go wrong, you will get more positive in your life.
Of course, this is a highly debated concept, with many nay-sayers saying that it just makes sense that you will attract better things into your life when you are happy and positive than if you are negative. Who do you want to be around or help out or work with? A grouch? Or a friendly face?
They may say that it has nothing to do with the universe giving you what you want, but what about those times when you go to the store looking for something very specific that you’ve been hoping for. What about that perfect dress for an upcoming event? What about the last box of brownie mix when you need to make something quick to take to a work luncheon? Sometimes, don’t you just walk in somewhere completely confident that they will have what you need—but not actually knowing—and somehow, they do?
It doesn’t work when you’re desperate, though. When you break your favorite sunglasses and nothing is going your way, you run in a store “on the off-chance” that they “might” have something you like. Ugh. Nothing. Of course.
That’s not the attitude of a serious Law of Attraction dream magnet.
If you break your sunglasses and confidently run in the store, thinking, “They always have something I like in here, so this is the place to look for sunglasses,” they will definitely have something you like. Of course!
These are just the beginning steps for mastering the Law of Attraction. To take it up a level—yes, beyond sunglasses you love—share your dreams and ambitions with those around you who will support you. Tell them what you really want in life. Speak it, and believe it will happen.
The more you talk about it, the more the universe is put to work for you. Plan it, write it, and say it aloud. Get support for your dreams, and the universe will help you on your way.
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