I’ve got a tough question for you. Ready?? Are you happy with the amount of money in your life? Likely you fall into one of two groups. You get up each day excited to begin your work day because you love what you do, only to look at your bank account and wonder why it isn’t growing the way you want it to. Or, you have a dream but financing
That Awesome Feeling When You Chart Your Own Course
If you read my last two blog posts, then you already have an idea of how to make a big change in your life. Focusing on what brings you joy and how to add more of that into your life is a huge game-changer! It can move you from riding on auto-pilot to having a purpose, a passion, a goal, and a plan for your life. Now imagine the change
You are here. Now what?
Ever wake up, look around at where life has taken you and wonder, “How did I get here?” The key phrase here is “where your life has taken you.” At some point, you lost control, you put things on autopilot, you just went along for the ride—we talked a little about that last week. Taking control and redirecting your life isn’t easy, but it can be done. Last week, I
Get off of Autopilot and Regain Control
Another year has passed in your life. Life is just whizzing by. Are you wondering what you’re doing with your life? Do you feel like you lack control? Do you wonder where you are going? Maybe you still feel like you don’t know exactly what you want to be when you grow up . . . but you are already an adult with bills to pay and no time to
Attracting the Next Level in Your Life
More and more, the Law of Attraction is becoming a popular tool to help us get what we want in life. If you don’t know what the Law of Attraction is, it’s basically that you attract what you focus the most on. So if you spend every day frustrated because nothing ever goes your way—you guessed it—you will attract more things going wrong. Cue the blown tire, the paper cut,
The Confidence Zappers
Even if you are doing what you love, there are little confidence zappers that can stop you in your tracks, make you cringe, and turn on the negative self-chatter. Analyzing what we are doing is supposed to be good for planning and determining what your next step is to keep you on the path to your goals. However, it can also lead us to critiquing what we are doing and
Do You Fear Taking the Risk?
Have you ever wanted something so badly, but you haven’t taken any action toward making it happen? What’s stopping you from living the life of your dreams? What’s stopping you from having the dream job, the dream house, the dream car? Why aren’t you bringing the people into your life that you need to help you get to the next level. Sometimes it’s something so simple. Sometimes it’s just. Plain.
Build Momentum Toward the Life of YOUR Choice
When people ask how you are, do you answer with “fine”? I want you to change your answer. I want you to feel “great”! So what’s the difference between “fine” and “great”? It’s the difference between stagnation and momentum. It’s the difference between settling and making the most of a situation. You don’t have to feel amazing all the time: that’s an unreasonable expectation. BUT, having a positive outlook and
5 Meaningful Questions that will allow your next Life / Career move to be Powered by your Dream(s)
What’s the one big thing you’ve wanted to do? What do you constantly think about, but never talk about? Do you even know? Maybe this is what you need to finally build momentum in the direction of your dreams. Let’s start by creating a bucket list to guide your life dreams and career ambitions. In case you aren’t sure, a “bucket list” is a list of things you want to
Some Tough Love to Refocus your Life
Do you still feel stuck after everything you’ve tried to go big? Maybe the conventional ways of adjusting your life and career aren’t working. Maybe you need a big change to shake things up. Show yourself some tough love to relight the fire under your life or career. Do a thorough clean sweep of what works for you in your life at the moment . . . and what does