Are you telling the truth?? YOUR truth? What I am asking is are you embodying your deepest desires, or running on autopilot, living by other people’s expectations and structuring your day around responsibility rather than joy? How much of what you do day to day is about what you want to do, rather than what others are expecting you to do? Success is not a destination; it is a FEELING.
Start Now… Just Do It!
Oliver Wendell Holmes said that “Many people die with their music still in them.” Why is this so? Too often it is because they are always getting ready to live. Before they know it, time runs out. Why is that? What is it that makes us so afraid to just get started with that first step? There is never a perfect time to start. Nothing will ever be just right,
Stay focused on your core genius.
Inside of each of us is our core genius – that skill or trait that comes to us without effort….. one thing that you love to do, and do so well that you feel like charging people for it would be unfair. It’s effortless for you and a whole lot of fun. And if you could make money doing it, you’d make it your life time’s work. We can become
Develop 4 new success habits per year (and start today!).
“I’m so out of shape.” “That pile of mail is too much for me to even think about right now!” “I want to change my career path but don’t know how.” Am I quoting you? If yes, then let’s get to work. You’ve defined your goals, you have at least some idea of the direction you’d like to move yourself forward in, so what now? We are often overwhelmed at
Out with Old to Make Room for the New
When you redecorate your house, or bring in a new piece of furniture, you clean out the space and area to make room for the new items coming in, right? You rearrange what is there to utilize it better, perhaps putting on a fresh coat of paint and wiping down the walls. This is a good life lesson! You see, it’s necessary to do this with your mental house as
Surround yourself with successful people
Do you want to know a huge key to your success? Your friends! Jim Rohn said, “you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with” and his words couldn’t hold more truth. If you take a look at successful people, you’ll notice that they always seem to surround themselves with – you guessed it – other successful people. I always have a general rule of
Rule of Five
One of the best tips ever given to me was the Rule of Five. As an entrepreneur, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Entrepreneurs tend to be vision oriented, with less attention or care to small details and tasks. When it’s easy to get lost in the “big picture”, it’s more important to drive home the small steps it takes every day to get there. So where to begin? Every day,
Don’t quit, Persist!
The trajectory to success is never an easy climb. Most people think it’s a slow and steady ascent to the top. In reality: it has peaks, troughs, plunges- and cliffhangers. You can’t give up on your hopes and dreams just because (unforeseen) obstacles pop up. Things happen. Plans go awry, projects fall through and often you have several jolting “rock bottoms” that leave you wondering if you should have ever
Become more than what you already are!
The biggest mistake most people make is that they think they’ve arrived at “enough”. “Enough” is an accomplice to stagnation and mediocrity in our lives: especially in our businesses. As an entrepreneur, there may be times when you have to give yourself some tough love and commit to the fact that perhaps you’re NOT doing enough. If you want to be successful, you need to constantly ask yourself “How can
With all good comes bad and with all success comes failure!
As you take each new step along the path of your journey of fulfilling your destiny and dreams, you will be both rejected and accepted. And acceptance and rejection both come with feedback. Some will be positive and some will be negative. Wow, there’s so much “this” for “that” and not “this” without “that” isn’t there!? Yes, with all good comes bad, with all success comes failure. But I will