The world is splitting apart, and young Eep is running toward a new, adventurous life. Every step she takes is perilous and fraught with danger as the earth crumbles all around her. Behind her is the dark cave she’s always called home. Ahead of her is tropical beach that’s just out of reach. Her father shouts, “Don’t go! It’s too dangerous! Listen to your fears!” Meanwhile her new friend, Guy,
Just take ONE step!
We humans love pattern. Our brains thrive on repetition and routine. Making changes or taking a new direction can sometimes seem frightful to the point of paralysis. However, lucky for us, all it takes is one step to lay the foundation for a new pattern. One more step and the pattern is established. Then momentum (and hopefully your sense of responsibility) takes over to carry you forward. Think about anything
Happiness comes from Love & Gratitude
Every day, people buy too much stuff, eat too much food, and waste away their hours chasing after happiness…to no avail. They may find excitement or satiation, but TRUE HAPPINESS still eludes them. Fortunately, happiness is really inexpensive and pretty simple to find, but that doesn’t mean that it comes easily. However, if you’re bold, and truly willing to commit to a few simple steps, happiness will be yours. Try
Frozen by Fear
Most of us have heard about the fight or flight response to fear, but what many don’t know is that the most common response to a frightening situation is freezing. Even the smallest fears can immobilize you, stopping your progress dead in its tracks, and the fear of failure can be one of the most crippling you’ll ever face. After all, experience has shown that you’re not afraid of a
If you are letting fear of missing the goal keep you from taking chances that could change your life forever, then you are missing out on WAY too much. See, you weren’t born to live your life just drifting along. You were born for greatness…and you know it. You can feel it down deep in your bones…so why are you holding back? I’m sharing this poem with you so you
Embrace Your Challenges…And Dance
For most of your life, you will encounter challenge and opposition. You want to go on vacation, but there’s a stack of bills that need to be paid first. You want to get to work on time, but there’s unexpected construction on your usual route. This is the way life goes…and it can be AMAZING if you know how to handle it. Opposition gives you something you can work with.
Let your Light Shine
You were born with the ability to do whatever you want to do. People like the Wright Brothers, Nikola Tesla & Oprah Winfrey have shown us that humans can fly, transmit electricity wirelessly and inspire millions of other humans across the planet, regardless of race or socio-economic status. You, as a human, are powerful beyond your wildest dreams. The scary part is, once you know that…what do you do with
The Chains of Habit
“The chains of habit are too weak to be felt until they are too strong to be broken.” ~ Samuel Johnson Have you ever noticed that no matter how much weight and importance you give your dreams and goals, some can seem almost impossible to get started on? While we could go deep into the psychology of accomplishment, fear, success and failure, the answer may be much simpler. You might
The Power of Your Thoughts
The most important thing you can do to change your life is to change your thoughts. I know, it’s easier said than done! We all have a pattern of how we process our thoughts. For some of us this pattern serves us better than others. However, the good news is that you can change it. How do your thoughts serve you? Can you notice them and choose what to do
3 Quick and Easy Strategies to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed During Relocation
Maureen is planning her family’s move to Burkina Faso from Albania, and she is STRESSED. She has to arrange all with the moving company, categorize and separate all belongings in two categories – the “take-alongs” and “leave-behinds”. Organize a garage sale for the leave-behinds. She is making sure that her children are still able to run their normal programs so that they’re happy, and is driving them to all their