The biggest mistake most people make is that they think they’ve arrived at “enough”. “Enough” is an accomplice to stagnation and mediocrity in our lives: especially in our businesses. As an entrepreneur, there may be times when you have to give yourself some tough love and commit to the fact that perhaps you’re NOT doing enough. If you want to be successful, you need to constantly ask yourself “How can
With all good comes bad and with all success comes failure!
As you take each new step along the path of your journey of fulfilling your destiny and dreams, you will be both rejected and accepted. And acceptance and rejection both come with feedback. Some will be positive and some will be negative. Wow, there’s so much “this” for “that” and not “this” without “that” isn’t there!? Yes, with all good comes bad, with all success comes failure. But I will
Rejection is Part of Life
Let’s discuss the idea of rejecting rejection. Yes, rejection is a natural part of life, even when you’re on your way to success! You never have anything to lose by asking… This the part of your journey that no one really likes to talk about. Sure they talk about it after the fact, when success has set in, but rarely is it glorified in the throes of the process. Rejection
Ask for what you want
Ask! Ask! Ask! – you’ve got to ask! Approximately a thousand times a day my kids ask me for something. And approximately half of those times I say “no”, or “not now”, or “what?”…but there are also the times that I say “yes”…and so they continue to go for it, despite not always getting what they want. You won’t always get what you want, you will hear no. But you
Face Your Fears
Don’t let fear stop you from achieving your dreams! On your way to success you have to confront your fears. Most people let fear stop them from making the necessary steps to achieve their dreams. Face your fears. Do one thing a day you are afraid of. There are countless quotes on facing our fears, and leaders telling you how they can help you overcome the obstacles that you have
Take Action
Does this sound familiar? You take FOREVER to connect to and zero in on what you want to do. And when you’ve finally figured it out, instead of going full speed ahead, you come to an abrupt stop. Why? Because action requires courage and all of us could use an extra dose of it when we are embarking on a new journey. Once you’ve decided to make the first steps
Act as If
The strategy of success to Act “as if” you already are where you want to be, helps you to find creative ways to achieve your goals. You’ve made the plan. You’ve had the vision. You daydream about it. Now it’s time to start walking the walk and talking the talk, and living the life as if it were entirely your reality. Let’s say for example your dream is to be
See what you want, Get what you see!
Visualization of your future as a success tool to greatly accelerate the achievement of your personal successes is not a new concept. For centuries, the benefit of visualization has been written about, yet so many of us don’t take five minutes from our day to actually do it! Right before your sleep takes over and you are lying in bed ‘thinking’…what is it that you are thinking about? I bet it’s
Release the brakes – What does that mean? The process of releasing your emotional hand brake, means to get out of your self-inflicted prison and let go of negative self-thoughts by replacing limiting beliefs with good intentions. “ Everything you want is just outside your comfort zone” Release the Brakes. The easiest thing to do is to stay where you are. You might be in some pain, discomfort, or suffering
Step 13 to a Portable Career: Selecting your ‘Dream Team’ to support you
We have come to the final blog of the Designing and Creating a Portable Career series. I hope that by following the steps covered in the series you were able take your time for the Self-discovery phase and actually got started on the Creation phase of your Portable Career. If so, you have lots of reason to celebrate the journey that you have made! Possibly you still find yourself stuck