“I’m so out of shape.” “That pile of mail is too much for me to even think about right now!” “I want to change my career path but don’t know how.”
Am I quoting you? If yes, then let’s get to work.
You’ve defined your goals, you have at least some idea of the direction you’d like to move yourself forward in, so what now? We are often overwhelmed at the total picture. The term “I want to organized” is too broad, so let’s break it down into small success steps. For example, organization includes eliminating that pile of mail. So your new success habit would be to get your mail (daily) and open it over the recycling/garbage bin. From here, you will move the relevant items to your desk, where bills are paid, or calls are made as follow up. I recommend taking 15-30 minutes daily to clear up anything that came into your to-do bin. Splurge on a rack or file that gives you organization into following up with these items. You aren’t going to need to take time each day for each folder, but perhaps once a week, you grab the “cancel/clean” up pile and remove yourself from mailing lists and cancel subscriptions. Little tasks add up to big solutions.
Do you complain about feeling out of shape? You are probably like most of us that watch at least 30 minutes of TV or peruse things online per day. At least. But the idea of losing 30 pounds feels HUGE! Break it down to ONE new success habit.
Now, you are going to do squats or sit ups during the commercials of your favorite show. Too often we think that we need to eliminate everything to bring in all of the better things – not the case. Instead, try to find that balance that allows you to watch the tv, but with a little less guilt. Set a timer for your online socialization.
Maybe your financial situation needs a little review? Are you saving enough? Look into seeing if your bank has a ‘round up’ program (if not, there are many online to sign up with) – where your purchase is ‘rounded up’ to the nearest dollar to put that change into a savings program. If your long term goal is a career change, but your bad habit is telling yourself that you “don’t even know where to get started” you need to redirect your energy. Right now, search online for the professional club or membership association of your desired career. Now sign up for their mailing list, and then, take it one step further and look for a local chapter. Are there networking events that you can attend? You don’t need to be a professional to simply show up and ask questions. People are happy to help when they feel needed and important, so ask for it!
Your habits determine your outcomes. What’s your ONE success habit away from the massive change you’re seeking this new year?
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