Another year has passed in your life. Life is just whizzing by. Are you wondering what you’re doing with your life?
Do you feel like you lack control? Do you wonder where you are going?
Maybe you still feel like you don’t know exactly what you want to be when you grow up . . . but you are already an adult with bills to pay and no time to kill to figure it out!
Time to break free of that frustrating and unproductive roller coaster and live a more fulfilling life?
I hope you are shouting “YES!” because it’s your time! There is no better time than right now to get off of autopilot and regain control of your reality.
Too many people spend years of their lives wasting away helping someone else build their dreams when they could actually be working toward their own. Don’t let the current keep sweeping you along! If you aren’t happy, then get off that boat!
Here’s the thing: no one is keeping you stuck but YOU. You are the one hitting snooze every day, having a “case of the Mondays,” chugging coffee to keep your focus, and going home frustrated and empty, just wishing for more.
So what’s holding you back? Fear of the unknown, the new, the uncharted paths can keep us in our place. But that’s not for you. If you’re feeling that discontent, then you are hungry for more.
Let’s get those keys back in your hand with something simple. I want you to write down ten things that light you up. If it makes you smile or makes your heart glow, put it on the list.
Now, go through the list and put a star beside everything that you get to do every single day.
If you don’t have many stars, then we need to do something about this. How can you keep going through life doing things that don’t make you happy? That’s not why we are on this planet.
It’s time to take a hard look at where you’re going, my friend, and how you can bring more joy to your life. Plot the path to happiness by focusing on what makes you most happy. Make it happen more often, and you will soon see a welcome shift!
This is where so many people just close their eyes and stay on autopilot. But you know what, that means another year will go by without you getting any closer to living your dreams.
So let’s reassess. What can you shift in your life to make room for more of those things that make you happy? What steps can you take right now to make sure you are living life to its fullest?
If you’re happy with your career, that’s fantastic! But if you aren’t, then what are you doing?
Change can be scary, I know, but isn’t living your life frustrated and unfulfilled even scarier?
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