Start Packing for a Portable Career!
Has your partner been offered a great job away from home and are you considering your options for when you join in with this adventure? Not an easy choice when you need to quit your own job or when leaving family and friends behind. There will be hurdles to jump and uncertainties to deal with!…
A “Portable Career”, is it for you?
Until I followed my fiancé to Albania in 2007, I had always had a job with Educational programs and institutions and never gave much thought to my life’s direction, as life was sailing by smoothly! However, 4 months into our move to Albania (my first as an accompanying partner) I wasn’t so excited about expat…
Step 1 to a Portable Career – Define your Life Purpose
As you embark on this journey of creating a portable career, you will soon be on your way towards fulfillment while maintaining your professional identity no matter where you live. So let’s make a start with writing your own life story! The first step towards your success is creating a mental map of where you…
Step 2 to a Portable Career – Quiz: Are You Living YOUR Life that is in Alignment with YOUR Values?
Fulfillment and happiness in life is related to how well you are living in alignment with what’s truly important to you in the way you live and work. Do your decisions emerge from the essence of who you are (your values)—not from who you think you should be? Ignoring your personal values will complicate your…
Step 3 to Portable Career – Reconnect with your Passion!
How to talk to you about loving what you do and how to help you (re)connect with your passion as you define and create your portable career? You are on a self-discovery journey at the moment and what better timing to really connect with your true self! To stay motivated and be successful, please don’t…
Step 4 to a Portable Career – Identify your talents, skills and experience
As you’ve been doing some of the soul searching work in defining your life purpose, uncovering your personal values and reconnecting with your passion, you may unconsciously have already exposed some of the things that you know how to do. When you define what you’re good at, the things that pop are your: Talents (these…
Step 5 to a Portable Career – Explore the elements that define a portable career
Last Sunday I attended TEDx Lusaka and was highly inspired by all the TED Talks. Zambia has celebrated 51 years of Independence recently, so TEDx Lusaka focused on The Next Chapter for Zambia, looking ahead at their next chapter of 50 years, taking into consideration all the challenges that it is facing after a year…
Step 6 to a Portable Career – Brainstorm the Perfect Portable Career.
I’ve had a lot going on in the last couple of weeks, including being a single mom while my husband was traveling around the globe for three weeks, building a new website, preparing for a great GiveAway Event that I’m participating in, organizing and hosting my 7 year old’s ninja party and having lots of…
Step 7 to a Portable Career – Build a better Mouse Trap: adjust your career to fit your location and local opportunities.
As you could read in the previous blog, there are a lot of options and great opportunities out there for your portable career. You have done a lot of soul searching, introspection and reflection as you gathered all the answers to the questions around the first 5 steps to a portable career. Now the key…
Step 8 to a Portable Career: Mind Map Who you are, Why you’re here and What you want to create your Portable Career Master Plan!
In the seven steps running up to this 8th step, you have uncovered some hidden and not so hidden elements that make up who you are today. It is time that we start pulling all these elements together so that in one bat of the eye you have the full picture of who you are,…
Step 9 to a Portable Career: Highlight the Opportunities for your Portable Career
Now that you have laid the foundation to your Portable Career Master Plan by creating a Mind Map that clearly shows all that you need to know about yourself, your purpose and passion, talents, skills and qualifications, long term career and life vision and short term goals, it is time to do a ruthless evaluation…
Step 10 to a Portable Career: add a Personal Brand to the Portable Career of your choice!
The idea of a “personal brand” is something we all understand…at least as it relates to celebrities. Figures such as Oprah, Tina Turner, Brad Pitt and the Williams sisters Serena and Venus craft and maintain their brands as enthusiastically as the Coca Colas, Vodafones, Disneys and the Nikes of the corporate world. But a personal…
Step 11 to a Portable Career: Create a Vision and Plan your Goals to set out on the journey of Creating your Portable Career.
With all the hard work that you have done to define the portable career of your choice, it’s time to turn dreams into reality by inspiring you into action. My wish for you for the year ahead is: A portable career and a life that is a result of your design – and not coincidence…
Step 12 to a Portable Career – Building, Nourishing and Expanding your Network
The other day I was chatting with a client who is just getting started on a new Portable Career Path. She is completely committed and so excited about the possibilities ahead! I could feel her enthusiasm about all aspects of her journey, save for one. The one thing giving her pause? Networking. Or as she…
Step 13 to a Portable Career: Selecting your ‘Dream Team’ to support you
We have come to the final blog of the Designing and Creating a Portable Career series. I hope that by following the steps covered in the series you were able take your time for the Self-discovery phase and actually got started on the Creation phase of your Portable Career. If so, you have lots of…
Three Reasons Why You Should Prioritize Your Purpose when Living a Globally-Mobile Life
Looking at your life through your friend’s or family’s eyes, you seem to be living the dream: you caught the career of a lifetime, and you’re living an adventurous and exotic globally mobile life. You don’t feel the same way about your life though. You’re actually feeling quite blah! You’ve lost your interest and aren’t…