Release the brakes –
What does that mean? The process of releasing your emotional hand brake, means to get out of your self-inflicted prison and let go of negative self-thoughts by replacing limiting beliefs with good intentions.
“ Everything you want is just outside your comfort zone”
Release the Brakes.
The easiest thing to do is to stay where you are. You might be in some pain, discomfort, or suffering – and I don’t necessarily mean physically – but you aren’t at peace entirely. But that discomfort is familiar. You don’t need to take a chance, and risk feeling even WORSE by making a change. So you stay where you are. Your emotions are your friends, your comfort…you might not like them, but you know them. Well guess what?
It’s time to make new friends. Find new emotions. Push yourself to break the walls that surround your mental barriers and move forward in a new light, a positive light. It won’t be overnight, and it will be a slow transformation. Like a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly, go inward, and take what you have already and transform yourself into something that really reflects your beauty.
You might feel like you are restricted by one factor or another. Finances, location, relationships…and they are all valid. But they are not WHO you are. Who you are is inside of YOU – not those outside factors. It will be uncomfortable some of the time.
It will be painful other times. But as cliché as it is, there is not gain without pain. With every negative self-thought that you have, stop, recognize it, and let it go, and then replace it with an affirmation about something you love about yourself. Don’t have anything? Yes you do…find it. Make time to get quiet and to think about these two things:
What you want
What you are grateful for.
It doesn’t have to be done in a daily meditation, it can be on the go, as you are walking through your daily life, shopping or driving your car. As you start to visualize the life you WANT all while being grateful for the one you HAVE, you will be operating at a higher frequency. And the universe loves to reward that high frequency! Make it a practice. And why wait? Today looks great for this to begin!
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